
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nineteenth Partnership Newsletter- November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Our Partners, 

Thanksgiving is a season to say thanks to God and people. This year, I want to practice “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Th 5:18) in my study, ministry, and family. Sometimes seminarians joke about being “tortured” by the workload, but truly we are thankful for all the professors and staff’s dedication to GCTS. I am thankful for the local church here, my mentor, my small group, the leadership, the Cantonese and Children congregations, and the families who welcome us for dinner and stay. Lastly, I am truly thankful to have Eva, my family, and your support to the call of my life. I thank God to put me in different circumstances and relationships so that I can have countless encounters to be thankful for. 

Words from Philippians as To My Partners: “I wish to celebrate Thanksgiving with you.
“So I plan to be around awhile, companion to you as your growth and joy in this life of trusting God continues. You can start looking forward to a great reunion when I come visit you again. We’ll be praising Christ, enjoying each other.” (Phil. 1:25-26 Message)
Paul often expressed his wish to visit the churches he planted shows how much he cared and loved them. He hoped to witness their growth and rejoiced with them. When we gather with family and brothers and sisters, let us praise God’s works in our life and treasure each other. I wish I could celebrate Thanksgiving with you!

As always I am thankful for your partnership with me, and with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a great multitude of needy people throughout the earth.

With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               

p.s. Please kindly reply, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you!

Eighteenth Partnership Newsletter- September and October 2014

Dear Our Partners, 

1. After "long-summer", a 30 pages Hebrew Exegesis paper is done!
2. A sermon on Isa.61:1-3 is preached!
3. Participated the TM evaluator context and was the runner-up after Eva (Yes, my wife won)!

Excerpt of my paper:
On applying Isa.61:1-3
It is a powerful testimony of how Missionary Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol followed the steps of Jesus with the mission organization SIM to serve the Ebola patients in West Africa. Although they both contracted the disease while working there their recovery is a sign of victory and hope for the world. A lot of similar mission work is going on around the world, and this is the best illustration of how the passage can apply. The local church should support the global mission by partnering and sharing their resources with mission organizations for crisis relief, praying and helping for people of poverty, hunger, and those being prosecuted in the Islamic countries.

Started this semester, I had the honor to preach the word of God in GCAC English congregation and CBCGL Cantonese congregation and Children congregation. Preaching is a honorable ministry, requiring the preacher to hear well from God and delivering carefully to God's people.

Here is my sermon big idea:
"Matt. 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matt. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matt. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
EXEGETICAL IDEA- Jesus invites the heavy burdened to receive rest by coming and learning from him.
HOMILETICAL IDEA- Receive rest and be gentle
PURPOSE- As a result of hearing this sermon, I want my listeners to receive Jesus’ invitation to rest, and to spend a quiet time with him everyday, so that our life will be transformed in his likeness and bring glory to God.

Please pray that I will listen and obey God and be able to make disciples and teach all that Jesus has commanded us. Thank you.
With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               

p.s. Please kindly reply, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you!

Monday, August 18, 2014

永恆常駐在他面前 ——記當代心靈巨匠達拉斯‧魏樂德 (Dallas Willard)



         當代心靈巨匠達拉斯魏樂德(Dallas Willard),在2013年5月因胰臟癌逝世。雖然知道人誰無死,但聽到這個消息,我仍然難禁心頭傷痛。
       我雖然不認識魏樂德,但對於他的著作,卻是熟識的。在我牧會的頭幾年,他的著作給我幫助很大。我還用過他的書名《心靈重塑》(Renovation  of the Heart),作為我講道的系列題目。
       魏樂德在南加大任哲學教授48年,精研德國哲人胡塞爾(Edmund Husserl)的現象學(Phenomenology)。他著作甚豐,其中包括許多關於基督徒靈命塑造方面的。很多出名的神學教授和學者,都說曾直接學於他、受益於他。
       魏樂德成長於密蘇裡州的一個窮村子。2歲的時候,母親便辭世。他母親死前囑咐他父親:“讓永恆常駐在孩子的面前”(Keep eternity before the children)。長大後,他在威斯康辛州立大學麥迪遜分校獲得哲學博士學位。過世後僅僅幾個月,不僅立即有大量懷念他的文章湧出,還有研究他神學著作的書籍面世,真佩服這些人的工作效率!
       根據奧伯格(John Ortberg)的悼文,《天外高人:達拉斯•魏樂德》(Dallas Willard, a Man from Another 'Time Zone'。 編註,此文在5/8/2013,魏樂德過世當天,即時發表於Christianity Today網站.),魏樂德聰敏過人,其生命、心境更逾常人。奧伯格和很多人一樣,常常在與魏樂德的交往中,經驗到魏樂德的謙卑、從容,以及在主裡的無私愛心。
1. In Search of Guidance: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God(中譯:《上帝的聲音》),1984。      
2. The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives(中譯:《靈性操練真諦》),1988。      
3. The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God(中譯:《天外謀略》),1998。
4. Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ(中譯:《心靈的重塑》),2002。
5. Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge(暫譯,《今日認識基督:我們為什麼能信靠屬靈知識》),2009。
        其中《上帝的聲音》似乎是魏氏靈命建造的總論。筆者現參考Talbot神學院教授Steve L. Porter的文章(Steve L. Porter, “The Willardian Corpus”, Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, 2010, Vol. 3,  No.2, pp.239-266.),分七個部分簡介魏氏的靈命建造藍圖。
×1. 我們需要對靈命塑造有適當的認識。
×2. 靈命塑造的本質,決定靈命塑造的方法。
        同時,魏氏認為,聖經無誤並不等同字面解經(literalism)。他也不同意一些基要派的主張,認為真理一定是命題式的(propositional truth)。擁有無誤的教義和命題式的真理,都不一定等於認識基督。
×3. 與上帝的關係是實際的、可經歷的。
×4. 上帝的同在就有蛻變生命的能力。
×5. 與上帝同在,也是人的責任。
×6. 通過屬靈操練,改變人的生命。
        在魏氏的靈命塑造理念中,刻意的屬靈操練、人主動與上帝合作,是一個關鍵,能把人擺在與上帝接觸、互動的環境和管道中,讓聖靈工作。所謂屬靈操練,應指讀經、禱告、獨處、靈修、禁食、研究和學習等等,讀者可參考傅士德(Richard Foster) 所著的《屬靈操練禮讚》(Celebration of Discipline)。
×7. 福音就是信徒都可享受天國的祝福、權能和統治。
        魏氏感嘆,今日教會門徒訓練的危機,就是對門徒成長的藍圖缺乏認識。沒有這個知識,門徒方向極有可能錯誤,門徒也無從做起,好像盲人騎瞎馬,到處亂闖。所以,他在《今日認識基督》裡說:“知識是信仰的基礎,而且是最佳的基礎(Knowledge is a basis for belief, the very best basis)。”

Gary Black, Jr., The Theology of Dallas Willard: Discovering Protoevangelical Faith, (Pickwick Publication, 2013).



Thursday, August 7, 2014

Seventeenth Partnership Newsletter- July 2014

Dear Our Partners, 

Thanksgivings: Praise God for His Holiness, Faithfulness, and Love that revealed to me during the studies of Prophetical Books (specifically from Isaiah 6 & 53). I am very excited to almost finish all the Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis of my degree (which I was “wrestling” with). I am thankful for the learning experience and knowledge of Yahweh and His people that I gained. 

News: It was a great experience to join the CCA (Chinese Churches Association) conference for the second time during 7/7-10. “Love, coming home” was the theme. I enjoyed the Communion of Saints: staying at a local pastor house, doing spiritual direction, sharing meals together, attending the conference meeting, listening to messages and ministry reports, praying in small group, talking with CCA fellows and C&MA pastors, and visiting the first Starbucks and major sceneries in Seattle. CCA has really enriched my ministry vision for the Chinese churches, and I hope I can give back in the Kingdom of God in the years to come.
Prayers Request:
1. Healing of Missionary Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol, and patients in Africa, and controlling of Ebola.  
2. Peace of Jerusalem, Gaza, and Ukraine, civilians, peace agreement, forgiving spirit, and Christian witness.
3. GCAC pastoral search decision, governing board, pastoral team, and Timothy Fellowship’s direction.
4. Eva’s internship, and Tun’s studies and ministry direction, and our family in NY.

Words from Philippians as To My Partners: “To live is Christ, and to die is gain”
“For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.” (Phil. 1:23-24 NKJV)
This passage reveals my dilemma, for I’ve been discerning where God will call me after graduation next year. Paul’s expression affirms the “already but not yet” reality: the eschatological hope of glory, and the ecclesiological burden of ministry. Thus my desire is this: “To be with Christ through the church, and to remain there seeking after His kingdom on earth in worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission, with the leadership and the congregation, by pursuing God’s love, holiness, justice, and wisdom.”    

As always I am thankful for your partnership with me, and with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a great multitude of needy people throughout the earth.

With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               
p.s. Please kindly reply, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you!