
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Joshua Fellowship Letter: 與上帝有約「重遊舊約」


Polly Wong via TEAMS on Sunday: Please contact her for the direct link at
Dr. Lee 李思敬博士 via zoom on Sunday and Tuesday: Please contact Ps. Tom ( for the links joining

- (歡迎一起舊地重遊)我正在讀 @YouVersion 計劃 'BibleProject | 律法書'。 你可在此瀏覽:


- 可到app store 搜索「聖經廣東話」來聆聽話劇版的舊約 

- The section under Relationship to Hittite Treaties
(1) a preamble, in which the sovereign identified himself and sometimes summarized the covenant itself;
(2) a historical prologue, which gave the historical basis of the covenant, often centred in a great act of deliverance or provision on behalf of the vassal;
(3) the covenant stipulations, which mapped out the requirements that constitute loyalty to the relationship, by which the covenant is maintained;
(4) the covenant blessings or curses contingent on keeping or breaking the covenant; and
(5) the (often divine) witnesses to the covenant[10]

- Polly 舊約縱覽筆記,加以整理
在創世記十五章中,神與亞伯拉罕立約有以下的重點。舊約綜覽老師用心整理了一些有關亞伯拉罕的約,與古近東赫人的約比較(這裡介紹一篇Hittite Treaty不錯的文章)。
15:1「… …我是你的盾牌,必大大地賞賜你。」 15:7「耶和華對他説:『我是耶和華, …』」立約人講出的歷史背景
15:4-5「你本身所生的才成為你的後嗣」 ,而且如天上的星那麼多。
(三)受約人要守的誡命  (條件或承諾)
-15:6 亞伯蘭「信」耶和華,耶和華就以此算為他的義了
(四)立約禮儀 (福與禍)
- 15:9-11 神吩咐亞伯拉罕把獻祭的動物避開兩半,代表背約的「禍」
15:14-15 「以後他們必帶著許多財物從那裏出來。 至於你,你要平平安安歸到你祖先那裏,必享長壽,被人埋葬。」,代表亞伯拉罕受約,帶來他和後代的「福」
(五)見證人 (一般古代立約牽涉到天地神明)
15:12 亞伯拉罕沈睡,神給他有關後代和出埃及記的預言
15:17 「日落天黑的時候,看哪,有冒煙的爐和燒著的火把從那些肉塊中經過。」

Monday, January 18, 2021



對於喜歡追求靈性又對宣教有熱忱的我,常常為此張力而煩惱。在疫情期間,有一次在親子遊戲時,靈機一觸,想到作耶穌的門徒(being a disciple),豈不就是在操練靈性(practicing disciplines) 和參與宣教(engaging missions)嗎?一天下來,默想靈修,預備講章,開不同會議,陪伴家人,唱唱詩,禱告,背背經文,這不就是學著耶穌作門徒,愛神愛人,見證基督?


但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得着能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」 (使徒行傳1:8) 


Friday, January 8, 2021

Joshua Fellowship Letter: New Year, ReNew in God's Word

Hi Joshua Fellows,

Happy New Year and first Sunday of 2021! Praying that we will all experience a renewed spirit in Christ this year. 

You may have heard about the new Sunday school series hosted by SCAC in the worship announcement. Shared here is the basic info. 

The first one is an Old Testament video course taught by Dr. Lee 李思敬博士 via zoom on Sunday and Tuesday (it’s almost a seminary level course and would cost you over a thousand dollar if taken for credits, so don’t miss it if you can afford the commitment to learn) . 

The second one is an Old Testament live course taught by our sister Polly Wong via TEAMS on Sunday (it’s an interactive class to read through the OT together in a year. A journey worth taking with others if you haven’t been surprised by the wonders and works of God in our shared history). Please contact her for the direct link at If you have any questions, feel free to contact me as well. 

May the Lord bless you with His Word and Spirit in 2021.

In Him,

Ps. Tom

ps 1: Info graph for Joshua Bible Study: Prestudy Sign Up

ps 2: SCAC Sunday School Series: See forwarded message below


  1. Please contact Ps. Tom ( for the links joining the class from CGST (《你所念的,你明白嗎﹖》). There are 2 links, one for Sunday, and one for Tuesday. Besides, I’ve the class notes for the sixteen sessions after you expressed interest to join. Please note that this class is open for SCAC attendees only. 
  2. 補充報告:
西宣肢體, 多謝眾位參加昨天中神主日學課程, 反應熱烈, 盼望大家能繼續持守這份學道精神。主日學部藉此通訊想有一事告知。此課程乃中神之試驗課程, 只與北美及澳洲幾間教會合辨, 未列入為其正規事工, 西宣有幸被邀請參與其事。及此, 中神不希望我們大事宣傳, 只供我們會友嘗其果效。敬請大家不要將連結傳遞與人。若已有其他教會朋友得悉寄望參加, 可自行宛拒或邀請他與你一起聆聽也可。昨天參加的其他教會弟兄姊妹乃中神區會邀請, 實屬例外。請各會友明白體諒原由。多謝合作。同時, 若想得到堂上介紹之書目資料, 請向周牧師或主日學部索取。
