
Monday, November 30, 2020


上次分享到「道成肉身」是一個既定的事實/真理(incarnation as "already-given")。基督徒普遍體會到的問題在於我們有否樂於,並懂得如何「住在」上帝裡面,在實際的情況裡操練體驗「道成肉身」。後者相對是一個從主觀/感受的經歷(experiencing the incarnation as"but-not-yet")。

這是耶穌與門徒臨別對話中的重點:「常在我裡面的、我也常在他裡面」 (約14:23; 15:4, 5, 7; 16:4; 17)。「道成肉身」就是基督「住在」(σκηνοω, to tabernacle, dwell)人間「充充滿滿的有恩典有真理」(1:14 )。「住在」「μενω」在約翰福音中出現了40次,也是約翰一書的重要主題 (Gk: menō, to abide, to be in close and settled union, to indwell)。

福音書所描述的是耶穌親身(describing a physical experience)「住在」人間,而約翰一書所傳講的是基督徒如何透過聖靈聖言「住在」耶穌的生命裏面(prescribing a spiritual experience)。前者是已成的「充充滿滿地有恩典有真理」,後者是靠著這恩典和真理,經歷基督「住在」我裏面,我「住在」基督裡面。這「住在」是靈性操練的基礎,也是靈性操練的目標。


我是葡萄樹、你們是枝子.常「住在」我裡面的、我也常「住在」他裡面、這人就多結果子.因為離了我、你們就不能作甚麼。(John 15:5 和合本2010

凡說自己「住在」他裏面的,就該照着他所行的去行。 (1 John 2:6 和合本2010)

愛弟兄的,就是「住在」光明中,他不會使人失足犯罪。  (1 John 2:10 和合本2010)

論到你們,務要將那從起初所聽見的常存在心裏;若將從起初所聽見的存在心裏,你們就會「住在」子裏面,也會「住在」父裏面。  (1 John 2:24 和合本2010)

至於你們,你們從基督所受的恩膏常存在你們心裏,並不用人教導你們,自有他的恩膏在凡事上教導你們。這恩膏是真的,不是假的,你們要按這恩膏的教導「住在」他裏面。 (1 John 2:27 和合本2010)

孩子們哪,你們要「住在」基督裏面。這樣,他若顯現,我們就可以坦然無懼;當他來臨的時候,在他面前不至於慚愧。  (1 John 2:28 和合本2010)


靈性生活的內在元素: (當然也有外在元素,下回分享)




Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Christian Leadership: Inspiration


 By Simon Sinek


Two ideas stood out from Sinek’s TED talk, The Golden Circle and the law of Diffusion of Innovations. Inspiring leaders like Martin Luther King, the Wright Brothers, or Steve Job did not change the world by “What they do” or “How they do what they do”. Other leaders in their time protested, innovated, made computers, but what set them apart was their core-belief, “Why they do what they do”. 

King did not deliver the famous speech with “I have a Plan” but “I have a Dream”. As many that stood there, a crowd of 250,000 people in front of the Lincoln Memorial on a hot summer day in 1963, they did not come out for what King believed but what they personally believed. They are the Early Adopters and Early Majority. They were the tipping point

Coming back to Christian leadership, I believe local church leaders can inspire their congregation if they can articulate and communicate what they believe. They will answer for themselves this question, “why they do what they do”. In light of this, I also believe there is an embedded Golden Circle regarding the church found in the Apostles' Creed. The following phrases begin with I believe, "in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of the saints...". Matin Luther believed in the priesthood of all believers (the why part) which eventually gave laypersons and the clergy equal rights and responsibilities (the how part) in governing the church (the what part). It was Luther’s inspiration that brought forth the Protestant Church as a great “innovation”.

I believe every Christian leader, being innovated through the Spirit, discipled by the great Church tradition, can inspire others to become the Saints and leaders that God intended us to be. 

After thought: 
Thanks God for bringing me to think alongside the CSPG of SCAC as church leaders. When we talked about leadership I thought of two particular books that shaped me. The first one was used when I was mentored by a pastor and the second one was used to develop leaders in my previous church with very positive results. Maybe these two books will worth to keep in the tool box. 

Monday, November 16, 2020





話又說回來,儘管上帝願意「住」我心,而且賜予你我充充滿滿的福音,「有恩典有真理」有救贖(Redemption),有律法(Word)和有聖靈(Spirit)。可能問題的癥結是在於我有否樂於「住」在上帝裡面,在實際的情況裡體驗「道成肉身」(incarnation in reality)。這點需要更深入和詳細的分享(待續)。

我要「住」在以色列人中間,作他們的神。  (出埃及記 29:45 和合本)
又當為我造聖所,使我可以「住」在他們中間。  (出埃及記 25:8 和合本)
他們必知道我是耶和華-他們的神,是將他們從埃及地領出來的,為要「住」在他們中間。我是耶和華-他們的神。」 (出埃及記 29:46 和合本)

道成了肉身,「住」在我們中間,充充滿滿地有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。 (約翰福音1:14 和合本)
「我還與你們同住的時候,已將這些話對你們說了。  (約翰福音 14:25 和合本)

如果神的靈住在你們心裏,你們就不屬肉體,乃屬聖靈了。人若沒有基督的靈,就不是屬基督的。  (羅馬書 8:9 和合本)
豈不知你們是神的殿,神的靈住在你們裏頭嗎?  (哥林多前書 3:16 和合本)
我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:「看哪,神的帳幕在人間。他要與人同住,他們要作他的子民。神要親自與他們同在,作他們的神。  (啟示錄 21:3 和合本)


詩篇 27:4 有一件事、我曾求耶和華、我仍要尋求.就是一生一世住在耶和華的殿中、瞻仰 他的美、在他的殿里求問。




Christian Leadership: Navigating the Tensions

A Christian Review of Every Leader Needs to Navigate These 7 Tensions


Helen Bevan, a Chief Transformation Officer (UK), introduces this research as this, "hundreds of leaders worldwide uncovered 7 core tensions between "traditional" & "emerging" leadership approaches. These tensions create a lot of stress for leaders (who need to be able to work with both)". The following article published by Harvard Business Review helps leaders to navigate between the 7 Tensions. 

Recommend glancing through the article here before looking into this post. To review this article as a church leader, the following mind-set and skill-sets are particularly important. 

In Ministry Context 

The Mind-Set of Both-And
Many church leaders serving in ethnic churches face the tensions of how to adopt their cultural leadership approach among the lay leaders who live and work in America. For example, a local Chinese church with a English speaking congregation and governing board is a bi-cultural leadership setting. Leaders are constantly navigating the tensions between the "clergy" and "laymen" even believing in priesthood of believers, the "way it was" and the "way it should be", the "written words" and the "living spirit", countless examples like these sit not just between leaders' mind but within even one leader's leadership mind. The research say, "Leaders improve their effectiveness not by consistently emphasizing one approach over the other, but by developing the ambidexterity (using both hands equally well) to move between the two as the context requires. The difficulty of achieving this level of cognitive and behavioral ambidexterity should not be underestimated — but it can be achieved, with focused efforts..." 

The Skills-Set of Personal Leadership 
The article suggests three practical tips for leaders to navigate the tensions. 

(1) Self-awareness. Understanding one’s natural tendencies is an important first step. Where is your comfort zone? What’s your default position?...

(2) Learn, adapt, practice. 
"Once leaders know their natural tendencies, they can work to develop a portfolio of micro-behaviors to address the tensions that they don’t manage well. This process can be enhanced by formal coaching."

(3) Contextual awareness. 
"Becoming a more effective leader means not only expanding one’s current leadership approach to incorporate new behaviors but knowing when to focus more on one side of the tension or the other. This requires both contextual awareness and emotional intelligence"
Ministry Reflection:

The following list is my initial response in navigating the tensions in ministry. 

    Tension 1: The Expert vs. the Learner
Taking myself as an example I often think in ways of biblical or historical of church governing structure. It takes intentionality to hear the real people and to understand how the church or fellowship have been operated. 

    Tension 2: The Constant vs. the Adaptor
To some degree this is the most "contradictory" or "ambidextrousleadership style that I see myself in, "the traditional approach to leadership values decision-making conviction and consistency... the emerging approach recognizes that in fast-changing environments, decisions often need to be reversed or adapted, and that changing course in response to new information is a strength, not a weakness." 

    Tension 3: The Tactician vs. the Visionary
This is my favorite leadership paradox and particularly true in ministry. From my limited life experience, if you can't be both, just be either one rather than no one. The research says "the traditional approach to leadership calls for operational clarity and well-defined plans. The emerging approach suggests that leaders require a clear vision for where they want to go, without necessarily needing a concrete roadmap for how to get there." We truly need both the tactician and visionary working together if one cannot be both that at the same time. 

    Tension 4: The Teller vs. the Listener
In leadership meeting, sometimes I need to remind myself that I need to listen carefully. Even in preparing sermon I need to remind myself to listen. A default teller takes discipline to keep quiet to listen attentively, actively, and empathetically. "The traditional approach to leadership calls for leaders to tell others what to do and how to do it. The emerging approach values listening carefully to others before deciding."

    Tension 5: The Power Holder vs. the Power Sharer
As an emerging leader I favor share power until more recently I learned that holding power will allow me to share more when the time is right. This one has a lot to do with the art of delegation (see my other post). "The traditional approach suggests that leaders must lead from the top, make decisions, and take actions independently. In contrast, the emerging approach values empowering others to achieve goals. If this tension is not managed wisely, leaders run the risk of alienating and marginalizing promising talent."

    Tension 6: The Intuitionist vs. the Analyst
A more subjective person naturally rely on intuition and need to value objective facts, opinions, and objections. I benefit from this kind of tension when I work with people different from me. "The traditional approach suggests that leaders build up an “expert gut” to make intuitive decisions. By contrast, the emerging approach says that leaders should base decisions largely on data... "

    Tension 7: The Perfectionist vs. the Accelerator
I take things very seriously in ministry, making many theoretical assumptions, predicting different implications, and often unconsciously being judgmental. This is a good tension to work more with young leaders, "The emerging approach calls for leaders to acknowledge that doing something quickly, and failing fast, is often more important than doing it perfectly. If not managed wisely, leaders run the risk of delaying the launch of key initiatives or directives due to a fear of imperfection. Conversely, bringing initiatives forward without ample consideration and testing can lead to embarrassing results."

It is important to keep in mind that ministry is different from secular organization. God is the ultimate leader. Church leader is a part of the body, having different gifts but serving the same Lord. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Christian Leadership: Delegation (Resources)

The Art of Delegation

6 Steps to Delegating Effectively

Delegation is the act of empowering others to accomplish a task. Although it seems like one of the simplest things in the world to do it is one of the hardest to accomplish. The job of a leader is to see that all the work gets done – not to do it all themself.del-e-gate : “To entrust to another. To empower another person to act.”

Jesus and Delegation

Jesus lived by these principles throughout His earthly ministry. Early in his ministry he had his disciples baptizing others (John 4:2). He delegated the jobs of getting lunch, while He talked with the woman at the well. At first he told the disciple where to go and what to say in their missionary travels. The disciples fed the 5,000. It was His disciples who were given the responsibility to set up the place for the last supper. And before his ascension he entrusted to the twelve a job angels are not permitted to do – that of fulfilling the Great Commission.

The Goal of Delegation

The goal of delegation is:

  1. That the person succeeds in accomplishing the task he has been given. Failure is seldom a good motivator to take on new responsibilities.

  2. That the person develops in competence, confidence and faithfulness.

Three Types of Delegation

Oftentimes we want to delegate responsibilities but because we have gotten “burned” in the past, we are hesitant to release an important job to someone else. That being the case, let’s develop a new model of delegation. Depending on the maturity of the person involved and their skill level, we will want either to direct him, coach him, or delegate to him.

  1. Directing means to give a specific job description or checklist of what needs to be done along with intermittent deadlines to ensure his success.

  2. Coaching means that you allow him/her to design the plan and procedure. You coach him along and advise him until he succeeds.

  3. Delegation means that you just turn it over to him/her. Because his commitment level and skill level are both high, you can trust that he will do it right and on time. You have seen his proven faithfulness over time.

How to Delegate

  • Decide what needs to be done.

  • Select the best person for the job. Let him/her know you believe he/she can do it. Trust is one of the highest forms of motivation.

  • Clarify and agree upon the desired result and deadline. Major on what not how – results not methods.

  • Define guidelines and potential pitfalls. Let him/ her learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

  • Establish level of authority, accountability, and method of evaluation.

  • Identify resources – financial, human, technical, and organizational resources that he/she can draw from.

  • Establish consequences.

Adopted from

SItuational Leadership II

Adopted from

How You Delegate Matters

Leaders must be careful that the way they delegate doesn't counteract the good in delegating.

Two pitfalls to avoid:

  • maintaining too much control
  • not providing enough accountability

How to avoid the pitfalls:

  1. First analyze your situation.
    What tasks can be delegated and what type of gifting or skill level should be in the person to do them?
  2. Choose people wisely.
    Who is the best person for the job?
  3. Sufficiently train or orient the person.
    What does the person need to succeed at the task?
  4. Adequately communicate parameters in advance.
    What level of authority does the person have to make decisions about the task?
  5. Build predetermined evaluation and feedback into the process.
    When and how are they to report on the progress they are making or receive help they might need?
  6. Express appreciation and affirm the person.
    How can you support the person throughout the process?