Polly Wong via TEAMS on Sunday: Please contact her for the direct link at pollywong@scacseattle.org.)
Dr. Lee 李思敬博士 via zoom on Sunday and Tuesday: Please contact Ps. Tom (tomchow@scacseattle.org) for the links joining
- The section under Relationship to Hittite Treaties
(1) a preamble, in which the sovereign identified himself and sometimes summarized the covenant itself;
(2) a historical prologue, which gave the historical basis of the covenant, often centred in a great act of deliverance or provision on behalf of the vassal;
(3) the covenant stipulations, which mapped out the requirements that constitute loyalty to the relationship, by which the covenant is maintained;
(4) the covenant blessings or curses contingent on keeping or breaking the covenant; and
(5) the (often divine) witnesses to the covenant[10]
- Polly 舊約縱覽筆記,加以整理
15:1「… …我是你的盾牌,必大大地賞賜你。」 15:7「耶和華對他説:『我是耶和華, …』」立約人講出的歷史背景
15:4-5「你本身所生的才成為你的後嗣」 ,而且如天上的星那麼多。
(三)受約人要守的誡命 (條件或承諾)
-15:6 亞伯蘭「信」耶和華,耶和華就以此算為他的義了
- 15:9-11 神吩咐亞伯拉罕把獻祭的動物避開兩半,代表背約的「禍」
- 15:14-15 「以後他們必帶著許多財物從那裏出來。 至於你,你要平平安安歸到你祖先那裏,必享長壽,被人埋葬。」,代表亞伯拉罕受約,帶來他和後代的「福」
(五)見證人 (一般古代立約牽涉到天地神明)