
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ninth Partnership Newsletter- November 2013

Dear my Partners,    

Thanksgivings: Thanks be to God! This is the twelfth Thanksgiving Holiday that I’ve celebrated in this country since 2001. On top of every blessings that God has lavishly given me this year, I’m especially thankful for what God has revealed about Himself to me from meditating on Zephaniah 3:17.
1st That the LORD my God is-in-me (leading me in physical and spiritual warfare, battles after battles)
2nd That He is a mighty one who-will-save (from bondage of sins, personal weaknesses and shortcomings)
3rd That He will rejoice-over-me with gladness (shining and smiling to me at all times, good or bad)
4th That He will quiet-me-by-his-love (in reading, spiritual disciplines, direction, and solitude retreat)
5th That He will exult-over-me-with-loud-singing (I can’t thank for anything more than this- God likes me!)
News: To me, teaching Sunday school is enjoyable but not easy! Preparing for the class is one thing; teaching the class is one thing; interacting with people is one thing; reflecting on the lesson is one thing; but the one thing I seek is to know God and His Gospel in the whole Bible and let it transform others and me.
Good news, I finished Hebrew 1 and Catechesis final. I enjoy this semester and current ministry!
One thing I don't want you to forget, your prayers and gifts have blessed my ministry and many workers representing Gordon-Conwell, touching many needy people and building God’s kingdom widely. Thank you!
Prayers Request: 1) Please pray for Eva and I to have a fruitful trip at the Students Gospel Camp in London on 12/26-1/1 in reaching over a hundred Chinese students.
2) I will share the gospel with my relatives in London and wish to find a local church to follow up with them.
3) Final exams and papers are drawing close. We need strength and protection, and prayers for our parents and sisters that God would protect and bring them near to himself.
Timely words from Philippians as To My Partners: “May your love flourish, perfect, and prevail!”
Phil. 1:10 Msg, “…so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of.”

As always, thank you for your partnership with me, and with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a great multitude of the needy people throughout the whole earth.
May our Lord pours out his grace on you and your family, and reward you on earth as it is in heaven!

With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               

p.s. Please kindly reply if you wish, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you too!
2014 is coming, I invite you to pray about continue partnering with me and Gordon-Conwell, “To advance Christ's Kingdom in every sphere of life by equipping Church leaders to think theologically, engage globally and live biblically." Hope to hear from you!

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