
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Fifteen Partnership Newsletter- May 2014

Dear Our[1] Partners, 

Thanksgivings: Praise our Lord, Eva and I have successful finished our second year of theological training, Eva inducted to the PsicChi Int. Honor Society and I survived through a long year of Hebrew Grammar.

News: Last week, we invited a group of Asians students for dinner to celebrate the faithfulness of God and had great sharing about the fruits in ministry. Since last month, we also started a couple to couple discipleship group in our current church. Now, we are cheered up for our full bloom summer plan.
Prayers Request:
1. Please pray for peach and comfort to Eva’s paternal family; our Grandpa is in ICU in China.      
2. I have been following updates and praying for GCAC’s needs, especially for the pastoral team, governing board, pastoral searching committee, and different fellowships. Lest us not forget.  
3. Please pray for our preparation and more studies in this summer:
        Tun- taking Preaching, OT Exegesis: Conquest Narrative, and Prophetical Books
        Eva- Family Counseling, and full Summer practicum and professional seminar

Words from Philippians as To My Partners: “To Preach Christ is the Source of My Courage”
 “…because I know how it’s going to turn out. Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything he wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue on my course. I don’t expect to be embarrassed in the least. On the contrary, everything happening to me in this jail only serves to make Christ more accurately known, regardless of whether I live or die. They didn’t shut me up; they gave me a pulpit!” (Phil. 1:19-20 The Message)
            I want to learn from George Whitefield of this courageous attitude when he was a young preacher,
            “If I had come to speak to you in my own name, you might rest your elbows upon your knees and your heads on your hands, and go to sleep! …But I have come to you in the name of the Lord God of hosts, and (he clapped his hands and stamped his foot) ‘I must and I will be heard.’ The old man woke up startled.[2]

As always I am thankful for your partnership with me, and with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a great multitude of needy people throughout the earth.
With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               
p.s. Please kindly reply, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you!

[1] “Our” because you’re indeed partnering not only with me, but also with Gord0n-Conwell and our triune God for the building of His kingdom. What a partnership we have in Christ!
[2] John R.W. Stott quoting from Pollock, George Whitefield, p.248.

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