
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Seventeenth Partnership Newsletter- July 2014

Dear Our Partners, 

Thanksgivings: Praise God for His Holiness, Faithfulness, and Love that revealed to me during the studies of Prophetical Books (specifically from Isaiah 6 & 53). I am very excited to almost finish all the Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis of my degree (which I was “wrestling” with). I am thankful for the learning experience and knowledge of Yahweh and His people that I gained. 

News: It was a great experience to join the CCA (Chinese Churches Association) conference for the second time during 7/7-10. “Love, coming home” was the theme. I enjoyed the Communion of Saints: staying at a local pastor house, doing spiritual direction, sharing meals together, attending the conference meeting, listening to messages and ministry reports, praying in small group, talking with CCA fellows and C&MA pastors, and visiting the first Starbucks and major sceneries in Seattle. CCA has really enriched my ministry vision for the Chinese churches, and I hope I can give back in the Kingdom of God in the years to come.
Prayers Request:
1. Healing of Missionary Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol, and patients in Africa, and controlling of Ebola.  
2. Peace of Jerusalem, Gaza, and Ukraine, civilians, peace agreement, forgiving spirit, and Christian witness.
3. GCAC pastoral search decision, governing board, pastoral team, and Timothy Fellowship’s direction.
4. Eva’s internship, and Tun’s studies and ministry direction, and our family in NY.

Words from Philippians as To My Partners: “To live is Christ, and to die is gain”
“For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.” (Phil. 1:23-24 NKJV)
This passage reveals my dilemma, for I’ve been discerning where God will call me after graduation next year. Paul’s expression affirms the “already but not yet” reality: the eschatological hope of glory, and the ecclesiological burden of ministry. Thus my desire is this: “To be with Christ through the church, and to remain there seeking after His kingdom on earth in worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission, with the leadership and the congregation, by pursuing God’s love, holiness, justice, and wisdom.”    

As always I am thankful for your partnership with me, and with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a great multitude of needy people throughout the earth.

With Gratitude in Christ,
Tom Chow               
p.s. Please kindly reply, I hope to hear any news and prayer request from you!

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