
Saturday, April 24, 2021

靈命塑造引言 & 《21 個被神擁抱的經歷》 作者:陳校慈牧師 (轉載自

編者註:有鑑於以下文章難以在 搜索和延續地翻閱,願稍作整理,在此分享,版權仍屬作者本人和。(還有往後的文章需更長時間整理)

靈命塑造引言一 陳校慈牧師 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com: 以主的愛, 以主的同在, 以主的意志為中心的豐盛生命的意思.

靈命塑造 引言二 陳校慈牧師 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com: "靈頌" 的精華又"忘記它. 老師張大了眼睛說: 好! 我再說: "我連"十架約翰也忘記了! (意思是我進入了十架約翰所說的思想和經歷, 但又忘記了他的一切.

靈命塑造 引言三 陳校慈牧師 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com: 主要負擔和異象是, 讓我們的生命與事奉得著整合; 讓我們個人內在生命的割裂得到融合; 讓眾人在主的思典和憐憫下, 常常經歷與主同在同行. 

詩歌默想 -- 陳校慈 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com: 有人說,基督教是唱詩歌的宗教。是的,讓我們常常藉著詩歌來親近祂和經歷祂。

靈命塑造 經文點想--陳校慈牧師 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com記著,在重覆慢讀中是可以容許不少的靜默、停頓、等候和仰望的小環節。簡單來說,這是神和你一段很親密和傾心吐意的時間。

21個被神擁抱的經歷之廿一 隱密處 < 靈命塑造 | 福音站.com: 《靈頌》第廿節與第廿一節原本是相連起來的上下兩節。第廿節是果,第廿一節是因。禱告者能有九種「身心合一」的經歷,乃是因為她已經常生活在主的擁抱 (habitual embrace in Him) 和主的享受 (habitual delight in Him) 裏。

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Did A B Simpson pray in tongue?

Here are some sources that said he did, but still others may object. 

Simpson’s own word:

Expressing What the Mind Cannot Fathom or Express

“It appears to be a divine ecstasy which lifts the soul above the ordinary modes & expressions of reason & utterance…The spirit is the higher element & in the gift of tongues appears to overlap the mind altogether, & find its expression in speech quite unintelligible to the person himself, yet truly expressing the higher thought & feeling of the exalted spiritual state of the subject.” —A.B. Simpson

“...a burst of ecstatic overflow that no language could express…a sort of inarticulate cry…the artless freedom of the Spirit’s voice.” —A.B. Simpson

It is believe that Simpson did pray in tonguesbut did not believed you have to in order to be baptized in the Holy Ghost. The Christian Missionary Alliance developed a position that the fruit of the Spirit was the evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism and it was proved by a fruitful ministry.Aug 23, 2015

May, 1907

While preaching on Daniel, it came to me, like him, to set apart a time for prayer and fasting that God would specially bless the work 1907 entrusted to me and give me a special anointing of the Holy Ghost. I was the more led to do this in view of the approaching Council, May 29, and the special movement of the Holy Spirit abroad today, that God would show His will about it, and give to me all He has for me - and also for the work. After one week of waiting on God I could not stop, but continued two, three, and up to the Council, and indeed with slight interruptions ever since. I noted first a quiet but real quickening in my own soul, and great blessing in the Council. God kept us united, and at the close manifested Himself in some of the meetings in a very unusual way. There were several cases of the Gift of Tongues and other extraordinary manifestations, some of which were certainly genuine, while others appeared to partake somewhat of the individual peculiarities and eccentricities of the subjects; so that I saw not only the working of the Spirit, but also a very distinct human element, not always edifying or profitable. And God led me to discern and hold quietly to the divine order for the gifts of the Spirit in I Cor. 12-14. At the same time I could not question the reality of the gifts, and I was led to pray much about it and for God’s highest will and glory in connection with it.

Additional resources on A B Simpson:

An Alliance Perspective on Prophetic Ministry

Cross of Christ – A.B. Simpson 

The Apostolic Churchby Simpson, A. B. (Albert B.) 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Joshua Fellowship Letter: Concluding the Seven Deadly Sins

 Hi Joshua Fellowship 

Tonight at 8, Joseph (Aka. “Joshua Tuen” :) will guide us to understand the tempting sin of “Sloth”. Then I’ll conclude the seven deadly sins with Prov. 6:16, and the seven holy virtues of Christ for gospel change. 

Hope to see you, and sharpening each other with God’s wisdom. 

If you haven’t decided to own a copy of our study guide, God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life, here’s a sample page for you. We’re about half way through our Proverbs study journey. Feel free to get a copy and read the Proverbs in depth with us. 

In Him. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Joshua Fellowship Letter: Word of Life? Word of Love?

Apr 1, 2021

Hi Joshua Fellowship 

Greetings on Maundy Thursday with God’s  love. On this day, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and followed by this word, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.(John13:34 NIV)

It resonated with me when meditating more on the love of God during this Holy Week. For love, He came to the earth, to seek and save the lost, and sacrificed himself for them. He died for “the Others” to demonstrate God’s greatest love. 

The book of James retells and unpacks this love command, love others as yourself, as a tangible, but not legalistic, way to live out the Gospel. If you find a need to experience God’s love so you can live out this love command, I encourage you to consider studying the book of James with others via WOL. 

Forwarded is the instruction to sign up online this new WOL series that is starting soon. Please let me or Polly know if you’ve any questions. 

With God’s love,

The following is the invite from WOL: 


這律法書不可離開你的口,總要晝夜思想,好使你謹守遵行這書上所寫的一切話。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事順利。 (約書亞記1:8 和合本)


耶穌說:「若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,天天背起他的十字架來跟從我。 (路加福音9:23)。



Friday, April 2, 2021

受難節默想:「十字包」Hot Cross Bun


「實實在在的告訴你們、一粒麥子不落在地裡死了、仍舊是一粒.若是死了、就結出許多子粒來。愛惜自己生命的、就失喪生命.在這世上恨惡自己生命的、就要保守生命到永生。若有人服事我、就當跟從我.我在那裡、服事我的人、 要在那裡.若有人服事我、我父必尊重他。」(約 12:24-26)